
High Priest Message

Thank you for electing me HP of Oxford Chapter 254 once again. As you can see our calendar for the winter and spring is very eventful ! I respectfully ask each companion to make every effort to go to Grand Chapter this year to support not only Grand Chapter but , more importantly to support Oxford Chapter Companion Steven R Shearer. Who will be elected our next Grand High Priest for the state of NY .

This year my theme is ‘communication and the little things’ . Communication is the cornerstone of our Fraternity, without it we can not function. The little things are what make life truly enjoyable. Communication is a little thing that is often overlooked . When you receive an email or phone call and do not
take the time to respond it makes day to day frustrating. I can not plan ahead or be prepared for what is coming up if you do respond to my requests. So please do a little thing for me and respond to emails or text messages or phone calls .

Thank you
E∴ Daniel Kwasnik HP

District Officers


Opening at 7:30 pm unless otherwise noted.
Date Event Time Location
January 6th (#1) Holy Royal Arch Degree 6:30 pm
February 3rd (#2) Holy Royal Arch Degree 6:30 pm
March 2nd Chapter Walk-About Program 7:30 pm
March 16th Annual St. Patrick’s Day Dinner
Reservations needed - see box.
6:30 pm.
April 6th DDGHP Official Visit of R...E... Will Corrington
Dinner Reservations needed.
to: James W. Hemstrought Jr. hemstroj@stny.rr.com
6:30 pm
May 18th CDC Education Night, Instructor: R...E... Kim Dellow, District Education Chairman
June 1st Festive Board 6:30
Sept. 20 (third Monday) Welcome Back and review of Trestleboard
Oct. 4 9/11 Rememberance with VE John Murray
Nov. 1 Awards Night w/meal & Tribute to Veterans (see information below)
Dec. 6 Election and Installation of Officers


Date Event Time Location
January 3rd The year ahead and a Quiz: "Name that Cake"
February 7th Masonic Charities
March 7th 3rd Degree Discussion
March 21st St. Pat's Dinner followed by Irish sing-along upstairs.
April 4th An extension of the 3rd - Degree by R.E. Kim Dellow
May 2nd RAM and Books of Bible
June 6th The Temple in ruins


Date Time Event Location
Mon Apr 3 7:30 pm Confer Past Master Oxford
Mon May 1 7:30 pm Confer Most Excellent Master Oxford
Mon June 5 7:30 pm Confer Holy Royal Arch Oxford


Date Event Time Location

January 14th Practice for MMM 2pm
January 15th MMM open 6:30
February 4th Practice for PM 2pm
February 5th PM open 6:30
March 3rd Practice for MEM 2PM
March 4th MEM open 6:30
March 18th Practice HRA 7pm optional
March 31st Practice for HRA 2pm
April 1st HRA degree open 6:30pm
May 6th Chapter walkabout 7:30pm
June 3rd Decoding parts of the obligations 7:30 pm
March 21st to 23rd Grand Chapter and Election of soon to be ME S Shearer

See District Events at 8thCapitular.

Educational Minute:

The following is the order in which the York Rite Degrees and Orders would be portrayed if presented in their chronological order:
1. The portion of the Royal Arch antedating
2. the building of the Temple (Chapter)
3. The Entered Apprentice (lodge)
4. The Fellow Craft (Lodge)
5. The Mark Master Mason (Chapter)
6. The Royal Master, 1st Section (Council)
7. The Select Master (Council)
8. The Master Mason (Lodge)
9. The Royal Master, 2nd Section (Council)
10. The Past Master (Chapter)
11. The Most Excellent Master (Chapter)
12. The Super Excellent Master (Council)
13. and one section of the Royal Arch (Chapter)
14. The Concluding Section of
15. The Royal Arch (Chapter)
16. The Red Cross (Commandery)
17. Order of Malta (Commandery)
18. Order of the Temple (Commandery)

From this arrangement it can be readily seen that any Mason who does not take all the degrees and orders in the York Rite cannot possibly have a thorough knowledge of even the Symbolic Lodge, let alone the Chapter, Council and Commandery.


High Priest E∴ Daniel P. Kwasnik
Secretary M∴ E∴ James W. Hemstrought Jr. PO Box 257, Oxford, NY 13830-0257
607-843-6305 hemstroj@stny.rr.com


M∴E∴ Edmund D. Harrison Grand High Priest 2002
M∴E∴ Walter J. Hilsenbeck Grand High Priest 2005
M∴E∴ Michael T. Dunn Grand High Priest 2012
M∴E∴ Brian D. Singer Grand High Priest 2021


Are You Concerned?

The Companions of Oxford Chapter #254 should be very proud of the fact that they can confer all the degrees of Royal Arch Masonry and have
repeatedly done so for other Chapters throughout the district and State. There is, however, a reason to be concerned. Only one companion has joined Oxford Chapter #254 since June 2013. We did have two companions affiliate with us, one in 2013 and one in 2014.

Over the years, our active companions have come from Oxford Lodge #175. Unfortunately, the occupations of the newer brothers have prevented them from being active or joining Royal Arch Masonry. Members of Oxford Lodge know the situation and I am confident things will change, hopefully sooner rather than later. We are fortunate to have membership from Sherburne, New Berlin, Edmeston, Hamilton, Eaton and Greene.

This prompts me to call on those Oxford Chapter companions, who have membership in other Lodges, to promote and encourage their brothers to join Royal Arch Masonry here in Oxford. We have a lot to offer them at the present time, but things can change rapidly if we don't begin to bring in new members. We also need to take on ritual duties currently being done by our older companions. Please ask yourself, when was
the last time I brought in a member to Oxford Chapter or learned a new part for a degree?

Obviously candidates are out there or we wouldn't be conferring all these degrees for other Chapters. We all have a stake in this matter, both in Lodge and Chapter. If you need a petition I have them or you can download one from the Grand Chapter website (www.ny-royal-arch.org).

List Slides
8thNews High Priest Message Companions: Thank you for electing me HP of Oxford Chapter 254 once again. As you can see our calendar for the winter and spring is very eventful ! I respectfully ask each companion to make every effort to go to Grand Chapter this year to support not only Grand Chapter but , more importantly to support Oxford Chapter Companion Steven R Shearer. Who will be elected our next Grand High Priest for the state of NY . This year my theme is ‘communication and the little things’ . Communication is the cornerstone of our Fraternity, without it we can not function. The little things are what make life truly enjoyable. Communication is a little thing that is often overlooked . When you receive an email or phone call and do not take the time to respond it makes day to day frustrating. I can not plan ahead or be prepared for what is coming up if you do respond to my requests. So please do a little thing for me and respond to emails or text messages or phone calls . Thank you E∴ Daniel Kwasnik HP District Officers SCHEDULE Opening at 7:30 pm unless otherwise noted. Past Events Date Event Time Location 2021 January 6th (#1) Holy Royal Arch Degree 6:30 pm February 3rd (#2) Holy Royal Arch Degree 6:30 pm March 2nd Chapter Walk-About Program 7:30 pm March 16th Annual St. Patrick’s Day Dinner Reservations needed - see box. 6:30 pm. April 6th DDGHP Official Visit of R...E... Will Corrington Dinner Reservations needed. to: James W. Hemstrought Jr. hemstroj@stny.rr.com 6:30 pm May 18th CDC Education Night, Instructor: R...E... Kim Dellow, District Education Chairman June 1st Festive Board 6:30 Sept. 20 (third Monday) Welcome Back and review of Trestleboard Oct. 4 9/11 Rememberance with VE John Murray Nov. 1 Awards Night w/meal & Tribute to Veterans (see information below) Dec. 6 Election and Installation of Officers 2022 Date Event Time Location January 3rd The year ahead and a Quiz: "Name that Cake" February 7th Masonic Charities March 7th 3rd Degree Discussion March 21st St. Pat's Dinner followed by Irish sing-along upstairs. April 4th An extension of the 3rd - Degree by R.E. Kim Dellow May 2nd RAM and Books of Bible June 6th The Temple in ruins 2023 Date Time Event Location Mon Apr 3 7:30 pm Confer Past Master Oxford Mon May 1 7:30 pm Confer Most Excellent Master Oxford Mon June 5 7:30 pm Confer Holy Royal Arch Oxford 2024 Date Event Time Location January 14th Practice for MMM 2pm January 15th MMM open 6:30 February 4th Practice for PM 2pm February 5th PM open 6:30 March 3rd Practice for MEM 2PM March 4th MEM open 6:30 March 18th Practice HRA 7pm optional March 31st Practice for HRA 2pm April 1st HRA degree open 6:30pm May 6th Chapter walkabout 7:30pm June 3rd Decoding parts of the obligations 7:30 pm March 21st to 23rd Grand Chapter and Election of soon to be ME S Shearer See District Events at 8thCapitular. Educational Minute: ORDER OF MASONIC DEGREES IN THE YORK RITE The following is the order in which the York Rite Degrees and Orders would be portrayed if presented in their chronological order: 1. The portion of the Royal Arch antedating 2. the building of the Temple (Chapter) 3. The Entered Apprentice (lodge) 4. The Fellow Craft (Lodge) 5. The Mark Master Mason (Chapter) 6. The Royal Master, 1st Section (Council) 7. The Select Master (Council) 8. The Master Mason (Lodge) 9. The Royal Master, 2nd Section (Council) 10. The Past Master (Chapter) 11. The Most Excellent Master (Chapter) 12. The Super Excellent Master (Council) 13. and one section of the Royal Arch (Chapter) 14. The Concluding Section of 15. The Royal Arch (Chapter) 16. The Red Cross (Commandery) 17. Order of Malta (Commandery) 18. Order of the Temple (Commandery) From this arrangement it can be readily seen that any Mason who does not take all the degrees and orders in the York Rite cannot possibly have a thorough knowledge of even the Symbolic Lodge, let alone the Chapter, Council and Commandery. 2022 OFFICERS High Priest E∴ Daniel P. Kwasnik Secretary M∴ E∴ James W. Hemstrought Jr. PO Box 257, Oxford, NY 13830-0257 607-843-6305 hemstroj@stny.rr.com HONORARY MEMBERS M∴E∴ Edmund D. Harrison Grand High Priest 2002 M∴E∴ Walter J. Hilsenbeck Grand High Priest 2005 M∴E∴ Michael T. Dunn Grand High Priest 2012 M∴E∴ Brian D. Singer Grand High Priest 2021 FROM THE SECRETARY Are You Concerned? The Companions of Oxford Chapter #254 should be very proud of the fact that they can confer all the degrees of Royal Arch Masonry and have repeatedly done so for other Chapters throughout the district and State. There is, however, a reason to be concerned. Only one companion has joined Oxford Chapter #254 since June 2013. We did have two companions affiliate with us, one in 2013 and one in 2014. Over the years, our active companions have come from Oxford Lodge #175. Unfortunately, the occupations of the newer brothers have prevented them from being active or joining Royal Arch Masonry. Members of Oxford Lodge know the situation and I am confident things will change, hopefully sooner rather than later. We are fortunate to have membership from Sherburne, New Berlin, Edmeston, Hamilton, Eaton and Greene. This prompts me to call on those Oxford Chapter companions, who have membership in other Lodges, to promote and encourage their brothers to join Royal Arch Masonry here in Oxford. We have a lot to offer them at the present time, but things can change rapidly if we don't begin to bring in new members. We also need to take on ritual duties currently being done by our older companions. Please ask yourself, when was the last time I brought in a member to Oxford Chapter or learned a new part for a degree? Obviously candidates are out there or we wouldn't be conferring all these degrees for other Chapters. We all have a stake in this matter, both in Lodge and Chapter. If you need a petition I have them or you can download one from the Grand Chapter website (www.ny-royal-arch.org).