Oneonta Lodge No. 466 Committees A list of committee appointments may be found on the 466 Officers page.

The Master shall, at his first Stated Communication, appoint the following committees:
  1. A Committee on Sickness and Distress.
  2. An Auditing Committee.
  3. A Committee of Instruction.
  4. A House Committee.

Special committees may be appointed by the Master at any time, to consider such special business as may be referred to them, whose duty it shall be to report thereon as may be stated: except that a committee on petitions for initiation or affiliation shall not report before the Stated Communication next after such petition shall have been referred.

These pages describe the duties of each committee.
Print all Committee Pages

They are in beginning draft state.
Committee members are encouraged to expand.

Table of contents:
Officer Duties


The Master and the Wardens shall constitute the Committee on Relief, whose duty it shall be carefully to investigate all applications for relief, when the Lodge is not in session, and who shall have power to draw upon the Treasurer of the Lodge for a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars ($100) in any one instance, whenever, in their judgment, a demand shall be necessary to relieve the distress of a worthy Master Mason, his wife, widow, or orphans. And whenever said Committee shall grant such relief, it shall report to the Lodge at the next Stated Communication thereafter, the amount of such relief and for whose benefit it was granted, and such report shall be noted in the minutes of the proceedings of the Lodge.

Sickness and Distress

The Committee on Sickness and Distress shall consist of three members whose duty it shall be to assist the Master and the Wardens in visiting the sick. Whenever said Committee shall find any brother in need of aid from the Lodge, it shall report such condition to the Master.


The Auditing Committee shall consist of three members, whose duty it shall be to examine the books, vouchers, and reports of the Treasurer, the Secretary, and the Trustees of the Lodge each year, and at other times at the direction of the Master and report therein in writing to the Lodge.


The Committee of Instruction shall consist of five members, with the Senior Deacon as chairman, whose duty it shall be to take charge of the instruction of all candidates in the lectures of the three degrees and to report to the Master when said candidates have attained satisfactory proficiency in their work.

It shall use the LSOME program.

Customarily, the committee includes the Masters of Ceremony and Stewards.

Delinquent Dues

This committee shall communicate with Brothers who have falled behind in their dues so they can be brought up-to-date and be able to maintain their membership.

Template letters can be found on the Secretary's coputer or here at

File Gallery: 466 Membership

Lodge Administration

This committee shall assist the Master with planning Lodge activities, assigning tasks, and seeing that they are prepared and executed in a timely manner.

The committee shall consist of the Master, Wardens, Deacons, and 2 Past Masters. Any member is welcome to attend meetings.

Meetings shall be held at least quarterly:

  1. January: Assessment of the year so far. Draft a plan for the ensuing year led by the prospective Master.
  2. April: Finalize the plan. The incoming Master shall present the plan to the Past Masters before his election.
  3. July: Assess and adjust the plan.
  4. October: Assess and adjust the plan.


The Communication committee is responsible for supporting the Master in delivering his Trestleboard to the membership. The committee shall consist of all officers and a webmaster.

The Trestleboard shall include

  • messages from the Master and Wardens
  • messages and articles from other committees
  • event schedule with who, what, where, when, why
  • list of officers and committeemen
  • articles on lodge activities

The annual trestleboard shall be assembled and delivered at least two weeks prior to the first fall stated communication. The trestleboard shall be updated at least quarterly.

For Oneonta Lodge modes of communication include


Philanthropies include:

  1. Brotherhood Fund
  2. Masonic Care Community
  3. Masonic Medical Research Laboratory
  4. Otsego-Schoharie & Delaware Masonic Charities, Inc. Scholarships

Oneonta Lodge 466 Philanthropy

Sub committees include

Additional charities shall be as approved by the Lodge.

Brotherhood Fund

Fund Raising


Highway Committee

Oneonta Lodge

The Highway committee shall schedule and organize the semi-annual highway debris pickup on Northside of I-88 between Interchanges 16 and 15.

Surviving Spouses

  • Christmas Fruit Baskets
  • Awards Dinner

House Committee

Oneonta Lodge No. 466

By-laws Section 6

The House Committee shall consist of five members, of whom the Chairman of the Board of Trustees shall be one, whose duty it shall be to have full charge and supervision of the Temple, so far as the same does not conflict with the prerogatives of the Trustees. The House Committee shall have direct supervision of all tenants and employees, and the fixing of rentals and salaries pertaining to the maintenance of the Temple. On or before the second Stated Communication following the annual installation of Officers, the House Committee shall meet and choose, from its members, a chairman, in whom shall be vested full authority to act on behalf of said House Committee.


This committee shall assist the Trustees with seeing that the requirements of the lease are met at all times.



Building Fund


Oneonta Lodge No. 466

The refreshment committee shall consist of the following:

  • Junior Warden, Chairman
  • Stewards
  • other appointments by JW

The refreshment committee shall prepare

  • light refreshments
    • after every Stated Communication
    • bring a friend events
  • breakfasts
  • congratulatory cake for after each conferral
  • 3rd Degree dinner
  • Awards Dinner
  • DDGM Official Visit Dinner

If the dinner is designated as a potluck, the committee shall organize it such that a full nutritious meal is provided to all.

The committee shall inventory refreshment supplies and replenish as needed.

History Committee

Oneonta Lodge No. 466

To maintain a the history of the Lodge.

To understand the duties and priviledges of the building being on the National Historic Register.

To obtain grants to maintain the building as required by the National Historic Registery.


