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Lodge Administration

This committee shall assist the Master with planning Lodge activities, assigning tasks, and seeing that they are prepared and executed in a timely manner.

The committee shall consist of the Master, Wardens, Deacons, and 2 Past Masters. Any member is welcome to attend meetings.

Meetings shall be held at least quarterly:

  1. January: Assessment of the year so far. Draft a plan for the ensuing year led by the prospective Master.
  2. April: Finalize the plan. The incoming Master shall present the plan to the Past Masters before his election.
  3. July: Assess and adjust the plan.
  4. October: Assess and adjust the plan.

Contributors to this page: BruceVB and system .
Page last modified on Sunday March 27, 2022 23:07:41 EDT by BruceVB.
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