
Charities Articles

Scholarship Recipients 2019

BruceVB - 2019-07-23 10:50 - (6724 Reads)
L-R:  Alex Brannan (Chairman), Aben Gray Carrington, Aidan E. Forbes, and Ashley Harrington
L-R: Alex Brannan (Chairman), Aben Gray Carrington, Aidan E. Forbes, and Ashley Harrington

Aidan E. Forbes Oneonta H.S. Oneonta Lodge # 466
Ashley Harrington Morris C.S. Laurens Lodge # 548
Olivia Harby Walton C.S. Delaware River Lodge # 439
Erik Neil Deysenroth Cooperstown H.S. Otsego Lodge # 138
Aben Gray Carrington Oneonta H.S. Oneonta Lodge # 466

For more scholarship information see OSDMC

2019 Murder Mystery Dinner

BruceVB - 2019-05-12 13:02 - (6866 Reads)

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2017 Golf Tournament

BruceVB - 2017-08-14 12:34 - ( Reads)

Please support the advertisers who helped sponsor our Golf Tournament and raise money for our scholarships.
Read more for to see gallery to download,
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Scholarship Recipients 2016

BruceVB - 2016-06-13 13:23 - ( Reads)

The Scholarship Committee of the Otsego, Schoharie and Delaware Masonic Charities Corporation is happy to inform you that the committee for awarding the four $750 scholarships has chosen the following recipients in 2016. There were twenty two extremely well qualified candidates, so we should be very proud of the competition.

Contributors to this page: BruceVB .
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